A few days ago I noticed that my kitchen, right beneath its one window, had begun to host a troop of tiny ants.
These were the smallest ants I had ever seen, so small in fact, that without my glasses I’d have never noticed their tiny parade of hundreds of workers shuffling from the window ledge to the garbage disposal and back. They were too tiny and were way too cute to crush. Too damn cute to kill.
I’ve always had a bit of a problem killing household pests. Whenever possible I’ll catch an invader and toss him as far from my house as my throw will allow – whenever possible.
Obviously these guys could not be eliminated so humanely. But I am a dad and my kid comes first. The ants had to go. The longer I waited, the more they would breed and the more I would have to kill in the end.
I readied my thumb to strike…and remembered that last year, at the end of mosquito season, I had purchased a spray bottle of Avon’s Skin So Soft.
I had used it effectively years before, but as it smelled a bit feminine and mosquito season had ended, I had not had the opportunity to test it.
I waited till late morning, when the ants were less active and sprayed the path I’d seen the troop walking. That was a week ago and I haven’t seen an ant since.
Apparently Avon’s Skin So Soft is a way to rid your home of insect (ants at least) without pesticides and committing murder.
Update 6/21/08
Avon’s Skin So Soft is still working. The ants have not returned, however it doesn’t seem to effect palmetto bugs (giant roaches very common here in Florida).
I have a screen enclosed patio in the front of my house, which it seems, is undefendable against these creepy invaders. I sprayed some Skin So Soft around the inner door sill, but the bugs seem to ignore it and continue to enter the house.
No ants though!