Simple Cleansing Diet
Choose one of these combinations and eat all day for 48 hours
Papaya with Lime juice
Herb Tea and Apples
Watermelon or Watermelon juice
Grapefruit and oranges
The following foods will help eliminate toxins from your body and regulate bowels:
Lemon juice
Raw fruits and vegetables
Whole grain breads
Herb tea
Soybean milk
Safflower oil
Sunflower oil
Soybean oil
Soy sauce
Sea salt Buttermilk
Vegetable broth
A lot of Grocery Stores have a lot of not only their own cheaper organic products but an entire isle of organic foods and produce. Some of these products are lower cost as well.
For drinks listed in the above diets, don’t add sweeteners.
Check out the book isle of your local health food stores for further reading on the above topics mentioned.
*Do not give Honey to children under one year of age*
**The authors of this site are neither licensed physicians nor scientists; we simply provide a space where hard to find information is free for the gathering. Use common sense when implementing any of our suggestions or those of your fellow reader. **
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