Hemp Facts

1) Environmentally safe Cannabis can take the place of almost all petroleum based chemical products.

2) Hemp fiber boards are almost 3 times stronger than boards containing a wood base.

3) Hemp paper products can go through the recycling process many more times than paper from trees.

4) Paper from Hemp is rot resistant and does not decompose.

5) Important documents printed and saved on hemp paper won’t yellow in color like regular paper.

6) Scientists have found Hemp paper that was almost 2,000 years old!

7) Hemp paper can be bleached with environmentally safe compounds. This leads to less production of harmful by-products.

8) Hemp can produce different quality levels of paper…thick, thin, textured and non-textured.

9) Unlike most crops, Hemp can flourish and grow at very high rates without using harmful pesticides and herbicides.

10) Hemp can be turned into biomass energies thereby reducing our need for fossil fuels or even nuclear power.

11) Hemp fiber insulates better than cotton fibers, grows in a longer more abundant amount and is much stronger than cotton; It also repels moisture from your skin therefore being many times more absorbant than cotton.

12) Stalks of Hemp don’t contain THC.

13) There is no THC in Hemp seeds. These seeds are even more nutritious than soybeans and have fatty acids that surpass any other protein source. A complete protein, these seeds are more easily digested by humans than soy. If you need to regulate your bowels or ease your symptoms of menopause, try some Hemp seeds.

14) The oldest fabric found in the history of the world is a piece of Hemp believed to date back as far as 8,000 B.C.

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